
Rosicrucians, Knights of the Mystic Rose





Welcome to the Rosicrucians, Knights of the Mystic Rose! This is an auspicious moment, for you are about to enter the Sacred Door toward Truth, Wisdom, and Higher Consciousness. To start with your lessons, click Courses.

You will now be given the password to access your lessons and begin your studies. Please do not share it with anyone; this is a privilege exclusive to members.

Password: Rosecross

As per our Order’s tradition, only one monograph can be opened per week, so the members can grasp the lessons and practice the techniques contained therein for one whole week. It is also recommended that you review the previous monograph before moving on to the next one to familiarize yourself again with the terms and teachings and be better prepared for the following one.

As part of the privileges of membership, we urge everyone to join our fellow Fraters and Sorors in attending our weekly Online Intensive Meditations to bathe in pure spiritual vibrations for health, peace of mind, auspiciousness, and higher consciousness and to take part in our radiations as service to our fellowmen.

Should you have any questions, you may send them in the messages section of this website by text at (0927) 399.0832 or (0928) 753.1005 or by Viber at (0927) 399.0832. 

We also send announcements regarding the Order or messages containing valuable information to help the members in their mystical journey toward attaining the most coveted Cosmic Consciousness, leading a life of health, auspiciousness, self-fulfillment, and realization of the Self. If you are not receiving any message/s from SGL (Supreme Grand Lodge), kindly contact us using the above-mentioned contact numbers so we can update your membership information.

For information regarding our Order’s Weekly Intensive Meditation Schedules, follow us on Instagram @rosicruciansrkmrorg and the Order’s Facebook Page @Rosicrucians.RKMR.Org. These pages are updated regularly to guide members in attending our Intensive Meditation Sessions.

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at our weekly Intensive Meditation Sessions, which are exclusive to members only.

With all good wishes for Peace Profound,

Supreme Grand Lodge (SGL)

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