

I am very thankful to all Fraters and Sorors for their prayers, meditations, and radiations for our people and our country. It could have been worse have we not done our duty of compassion. Kindly continue again to radiate joy, light, life and love to the Philippines for 10 mins. each, 3x a day for 7 days. 

Here is the technique: 

Chant first Aum, Aum, Rama, Aum, Aum.

Then visualize a very brilliant white light coming from space descending upon the whole of the Philippines for 5 mins. penetrating about 2 km deep. 

Then for the last 5 mins., see the whole Philippines engulfed in this white light of joy, light, life and love. 

Then pray: “O God of my Heart and Thee O Cosmic Masters, I thank Thee for this privilege of attunement and service. So mote it be!”


If you still have time, kindly participate in the 10-minute-scheduled daily radiation-meditations and in the 8:00pm – 8:30 pm (Philippine time) Group Heart Radiation. 


I love you all. Be safe and at peace.


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