
Rosicrucians, Knights of the Mystic Rose







Welcome to the Rosicrucians, Knights of the Mystic Rose! This is an auspicious moment, for you are about to enter the Sacred Door toward Truth, Wisdom, and Higher Consciousness. To start with your lessons, click Courses.

You will now be given the password to access your lessons and begin your studies. Please do not share it with anyone; this is a privilege exclusive to members.

Password: Rosecross

As per our Order’s tradition, only one monograph can be opened per week, so the members can grasp the lessons and practice the techniques contained therein for one whole week. It is also recommended that you review the previous monograph before moving on to the next one to familiarize yourself again with the terms and teachings and be better prepared for the following one.

As part of the privileges of membership, we urge everyone to join our fellow Fraters and Sorors in attending our weekly Online Intensive Meditations to bathe in pure spiritual vibrations for health, peace of mind, auspiciousness, and higher consciousness and to take part in our radiations as service to our fellowmen.

Should you have any questions, you may send them in the messages section of this website by text at (0927) 399.0832 or (0928) 753.1005 or by Viber at (0927) 399.0832. 

We also send announcements regarding the Order or messages containing valuable information to help the members in their mystical journey toward attaining the most coveted Cosmic Consciousness, leading a life of health, auspiciousness, self-fulfillment, and realization of the Self. If you are not receiving any message/s from SGL (Supreme Grand Lodge), kindly contact us using the above-mentioned contact numbers so we can update your membership information.

For information regarding our Order’s Weekly Intensive Meditation Schedules, follow us on Instagram @rosicruciansrkmrorg and the Order’s Facebook Page @Rosicrucians.RKMR.Org. These pages are updated regularly to guide members in attending our Intensive Meditation Sessions.

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at our weekly Intensive Meditation Sessions, which are exclusive to members only.

With all good wishes for Peace Profound,

Supreme Grand Lodge (SGL)

Announcement for All Members


I am very thankful to all Fraters and Sorors for their prayers, meditations, and radiations for our people and our country. It could have been worse have we not done our duty of compassion. Kindly continue again to radiate joy, light, life and love to the Philippines for 10 mins. each, 3x a day for 7 days. 

Here is the technique: 

Chant first Aum, Aum, Rama, Aum, Aum.

Then visualize a very brilliant white light coming from space descending upon the whole of the Philippines for 5 mins. penetrating about 2 km deep. 

Then for the last 5 mins., see the whole Philippines engulfed in this white light of joy, light, life and love. 

Then pray: “O God of my Heart and Thee O Cosmic Masters, I thank Thee for this privilege of attunement and service. So mote it be!”


If you still have time, kindly participate in the 10-minute-scheduled daily radiation-meditations and in the 8:00pm – 8:30 pm (Philippine time) Group Heart Radiation. 


I love you all. Be safe and at peace.


Contact with the Hierarchy of Masters on the Astral or Psychic Plane

The Orders’ purpose is not only to attain Cosmic Consciousness or God Communion but to make contact with the Hierarchy of the Masters on the Astral or Psychic Plane for further higher development.
To make this faster, one must live a very strict moral life and practice everyday Kindness, Charity and Self-Sacrificing Acts. Remember what Jesus said, “The last shall be the first…”
To understand this further, read this in the Agni Yoga Glossary available at Google and live the teachings there daily:

  1. Agni Yoga
  2. Centers
  3. Chain of Hierarchy
  4. Chakra
  5. Corpses, Living or Walking
  6. Degrees of Attainment
  7. Devotion
  8. Discipleship
  9. Doubt
  10. Heart
  11. Hero
  12. Hiero-Inspiration
  13. Humility

Thanks,Supreme Grand Lodge (SGL)

Message from Gurudev

Si Master Morya po ang ultimate teacher and protector ko and may link and karma sa akin and sa Orders. May iba pa po akong teachers pero wala pong pictures and yung iba ay hindi pa po revealed sa humanity. Basahin nio po sa Agni Yoga Glossary (can be searched in Google) para maintindihan niyo po kung papaano siya macontact, ma-remember and ma-bless and ma-proteksyonan niya kayo and your loved ones in these very calamitous times:

  1. Avitchi
  2. Carriers of fire
  3. Communion
  4. Cosmic Consciousness
  5. Degrees of Attainment
  6. Discipleship
  7. Heart
  8. Hiero Inspiration
  9. Image in the Heart
  10. Image of the One

Nasa Google yung painting ni Master Morya nung German. Please inform na lang po all members, mahal na mahal ko po kayong lahat. Be safe po and at peace.

Gurudev Forum

The Guru of Gurudev, Thakarji Maharaj of the Himalayas and his other Masters asked him to assume the name Gurudev for him to sacrifice more before his transition or death of the physical container or body, in helping people and members in their evolution and to reveal the wisdom of all his Teachers especially Master Morya. So Gurudev agreed to open the Gurudev Forum wherein new members and even old ones can ask their questions about spirituality and culture, especially because he will not be that available physically. He asks the members to be polite and kind in asking questions and not to debate other members in the forum. We will announce it when the website is finished.
Gurudev is requesting that the Grandmasters and members sincerely exert their efforts to increase the membership of the Orders so that the light of our teachings can reach many people in these calamitous times.
Please inform all members.

With all good wishes for Peace Profound,Imperator Soror Valerie Quinajon

“Making the Future Now”

Greetings! Many members are asking what is the real meaning of ‘Gurudev’ and when will the Gurudev F orum start? Sad to say, the Gurudev Forum is postponed indefinitely for Gurudev is so busy in his work that sometimes he is in mountainous areas where there is no internet connection, that answering the questions of members will be impossible. Also, he is still doing intensive spiritual practices and in a retreat mode as instructed by his Masters. Now concerning the meaning of ‘Gurudev’– In its scriptural and esoteric meaning, it means “Luminous Being,” advanced initiate who has worked, practiced and served for many lives on Earth and in other Spheres, finally attained Cosmic Consciousness of the 7th Plane and beyond. It can be noticed that these individuals have started early in their lives in mysticism and they attained Cosmic Consciousness in their late twenties or early thirties, and can manifest many infinite talents other than spiritual. They are what we may call very old souls and are the untiring toilers and sacrificers for humanity. Upon reaching this state, they completely withdraw from physical contact with humanity and do most of their psychic teachings and transmissions in the psychic and spiritual planes until the moment of discarding the physical container or body during transition. They become Invisible Masters, and members of the Cosmic Hosts. Gurudev said that this is the destiny of all members who lives a very strict moral life, charitable, compassionate and kind, intensive mystical practitioner, who indulge themselves in culture, meaning music and the arts in a masterful manner. It is what Master Morya said, “Making the Future Now.”  Thanks,Supreme Grand Lodge (SGL)

Words and Sayings of Wisdom by the Great Sages and Masters (November 2022)

November 24, 2022

Since the Gurudev Forum has been cancelled and Gurudev will not be available physically to members, he advises us to regularly send to members Words and Sayings of Wisdom by the Great Sages and Masters. The best thing to do with these sayings or instructions is to memorize them, contemplate upon their meaning and let them be a part of your thoughts, emotions and actions in your daily life. These sayings are food for your mind and Inner Self –Don’t take them lightly. Be serious about them. These words will awaken the power of your Inner Self for you to attain Cosmic Consciousness, Enlightenment and possibly, Moksha or Liberation in this lifetime. Master Kuthumi said “Read, Study and Meditate.” This is the saying for the month by Sage Ashtavakra:
“The man who is pure of heartis bound to fulfill himself in whatever way he is taught.A worldly man seeks all his life,but is still bewildered.
Detached from the senses, You are free.Attached, You are bound.When this is understood,You may live as you please.
You are not your body.Your body is not you.You are not the doer. You are not the enjoyer.
You are pure awareness,The witness of all things.You are without expectations, Free.
Wherever you go, Be happy!Desire and aversion are of the mind.The mind is never yours.
You are free of its turmoil.You are awareness itself,Never changing.Wherever you go, Be happy.”
The Masters of Gurudev trained him in this aspect of memorizing the sayings because the words and the ideas are the essence and consciousness of the Master. By memorizing it and living it in your life, you attain Union with the Masters. This tradition has been in practice for thousands of years in the Secret Ashrams of our Orders in the Himalayas, Caucasus and Southern France. This is one of the surest and shortest Path to Enlightenment. So really, really memorize and contemplate it. One Saying and Words of Wisdom will be given on monthly basis to give you time to assimilate and be one with it.

Test Newsletter

This is a test newsletter.


Posted on September 18, 2022 by Class Master


  Greetings!   Welcome to the Rosicrucians, Knights of the Mystic Rose! This is an auspicious moment, for you are Read more

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