
Rosicrucians, Knights of the Mystic Rose


An Invitation to Affiliate

FREE Membership   FREE Online Lessons in the Comfort of Your Home!

Learn the Secret Knowledge and Techniques for Cellular Regeneration, Material Success, and Development of Psychic Centers to Manifest Your Dreams in Life and Master Your Destiny!

Open to all progressive-thinking men and women who seek wisdom and self-development without prejudice


New members will also be granted the privilege to join in our FREE Weekly Online Intensive Meditations, exclusive for members only, to be able to bathe in pure, rich spiritual vibrations for Regeneration, Awakening of the Psychic Centers and Attaining of Cosmic Consciousness.

Take this Step. Transform your Life. Turn the Wheel of Destiny.

Important Reminders

For new applicants, kindly see the List of Lodges first before registering.

From the list, locate the Lodge that is nearest your place of residence then contact the number given. 

Just indicate that you are a new applicant for membership in the Order and you will be instructed on how to proceed.

This step will just simply be to check that you have answered all the questions on the forms for membership.

Membership forms and other requirements that have been completely filled out by the applicant will ensure a smoother and faster process of registration, so please re-check all the requirements before submitting your forms.

Thank you!

List of Lodges

Rosicrucians, Knights of the Mystic Rose

A “Knight” is a term to refer to a warrior or nobleman in former times, or today to refer to a person who has been given a royal recognition. A knight was to follow a strict set of rules of conduct. 

These were the knightly virtues. The three most excellent qualities of a knight are charity or generosity, chivalry, and, nobility.

These virtues are embodied by the Rosicrucian, Knights of the Mystic Rose and its philosophies are disseminated throughout its teachings. By becoming a member of the RKMR, you have a unique opportunity to:

  • Achieve your goals and dreams in life 

  • Develop optimal strength and power

  • Have a life of abundance and wealth 

  • Develop the most coveted Cosmic Consciousness

As a member of RKMR, you would learn to direct your destiny, develop your own philosophy and master your life at all levels.

Though the benefits of being a Rosicrucian are also of a deeper and far more transcendental
nature than this, if you become a member for no other reason than to bring peace and personal happiness into your life, would it not still be worth your while?

At first glance, such an undertaking may seem thoroughly daunting and unattainable, but as a member, you would soon realize that there is nothing more fascinating, inspiring and rewarding than embarking on a journey into Self with RKMR to act as your guide. 

As the old saying goes, 

“a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”,

indeed, a step you could be taking today.

People from all walks of life are welcome to study these under the Order. At present, the members include professionals (doctors, writers, lawyers, IT/computer professionals, artists, teachers, etc.), as well as students, housewives, grandparents, and people with different religious backgrounds. Their purposes in joining the Order are also often varied, but these can be summed up in one word: Advancement.

Membership in the Order is a rare and wonderful opportunity that empowers a person and enables him to enjoy life’s abundant blessings. Anyone can be a member, provided that he meets the following requirements:

  • at least 15 years old

  • has an open mind

  • seeks self-improvement and a better life

You may apply for membership in seminars and convocations of the Order, or through mail, our facebook page or email. Membership is FREE for all new members.

History and Tradition

The Rosicrucians, Knights of the Mystic Rose is a perpetuation of the tradition of the MCE which was reorganized at the Cruce Signatorum Conventus held on July 27, 1586 in Luneberg, Germany. That Convention was chronicled by Simon Studion in his work “Naometria”. The purpose of the MCE at that time was to activate the surviving remnants of the Order of the Temple in Jerusalem (the Knights Templar) and that of the Ancient Rosae Crucis, and to actualize the mystical and spiritual doctrinal teachings and practices of both.

The RKMR is directed to peacefully promote religious freedom, freedom of thought, and freedom of inquiry. The purpose of the RKMR is to establish an exoteric body of Light to direct and guide humanity towards evolution and personal development.

The RKMR is an international, non-profit,
fraternal organization, open to all men and women at least fifteen years of age who share its philosophy and who wish to improve themselves and serve the evolution of humanity. While the Order has a spiritual base, the members are free to follow their conscience in all matters, including that of their preferred faith.

Teachings and Principles

The RKMR follows the compatible traditions of the
Knights Templar, espoused by the concept of Chivalry. It is important to note that the RKMR
is not a military order at all in the physical sense. Its members are militant only in their personal
attitudes about maintaining and fostering the principles of the RKMR in their lives.

Alchemy is one of the two oldest sciences known to man (the other is astrology). It is the forerunner of chemistry. Superficially, it is concerned with the transmutation of base metals into the highest and purest metal of all—gold. Our chief concern, however, is with an art called Transcendental Alchemy, which is the ultimate key to power, prosperity, success; and aims to transform man into the best, highest and most sublime that he can be.

The RKMR follows the compatible traditions of the Knights Templar, espoused by the concept of Chivalry. It is important to note that the RKMR is not a military order at all in the physical sense. Its members are militant only in their personal attitudes about maintaining and fostering the principles of the RKMR in their lives.

Mysticism deals with the study of man, psychic and spiritual faculties, and his relationship with the universe. It is the science of being or ontology and it encompasses the process of attaining health, wealth, and peace of mind.

Knights of the Mystic Rose

The list below enumerates a few of the world’s most famous men and women who are members of the RKMR or practiced similar techniques to achieve success in life.

  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Albert Einstein
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Count Cagliostro
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Helena P. Blavatsky
  • Henry de Montmorency
  • Henry Ford
  • Isaac Newton
  • J.W. Goethe
  • Joan of Arc
  • John Davison Rockefeller
  • Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Marie Curie
  • Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Nicholas Flamel
  • Philip, Duke of Orleans
  • Queen Elizabeth I
  • Sir Thomas Aquinas
  • Sir William Sidney Smith
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Albert Einstein
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Count Cagliostro
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Helena P. Blavatsky
  • Henry de Montmorency
  • Henry Ford
  • Isaac Newton
  • J.W. Goethe
  • Joan of Arc
  • John Davison Rockefeller
  • Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Marie Curie
  • Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Nicholas Flamel
  • Philip, Duke of Orleans
  • Queen Elizabeth I
  • Sir Thomas Aquinas
  • Sir William Sidney Smith

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