
Rosicrucians, Knights of the Mystic Rose


An Invitation to Affiliate

FREE Membership   FREE Online Lessons in the Comfort of Your Home!

Learn the Secret Knowledge and Techniques for Cellular Regeneration, Material Success, and Development of Psychic Centers to Manifest Your Dreams in Life and Master Your Destiny!

Open to all progressive-thinking men and women who seek wisdom and self-development without prejudice

Super Counter:

New members will also be granted the privilege to join in our FREE Weekly Online Intensive Meditations, exclusive for members only, to be able to bathe in pure, rich spiritual vibrations for Regeneration, Awakening of the Psychic Centers and Attaining of Cosmic Consciousness.

Take this Step. Transform your Life. Turn the Wheel of Destiny.

Important Reminders

For new applicants, kindly see the List of Lodges first before registering.

From the list, locate the Lodge that is nearest your place of residence then contact the number given. 

Just indicate that you are a new applicant for membership in the Order and you will be instructed on how to proceed.

This step will just simply be to check that you have answered all the questions on the forms for membership.

Membership forms and other requirements that have been completely filled out by the applicant will ensure a smoother and faster process of registration, so please re-check all the requirements before submitting your forms.

Thank you!

List of Lodges
Lodge Contact Number
Batangas Lodge
Bicol Lodge
Cagayan de Oro Lodge
Cavite Lodge
Cebu Lodge
Iloilo Lodge
Laguna-Rizal-Quezon Lodge
Northern Luzon Lodge
Pampanga-Tarlac-Bataan Lodge
Parañaque-Pasay-Makati-Manila Lodge
Quezon City-Caloocan-Bulacan Lodge
Zambales Lodge

Rosicrucians, Knights of the Mystic Rose

A “Knight” in Rosicrucian parlance has got nothing to do with families or bloodlines of kings, queens or earthly royalty.

He is a normal human being, as symbolized by the golden cross, who has become a Rosicrucian and through the teachings, conquered his weaknesses and evolved into a noble being.

By putting into practice what he has learned in the Order, he accumulates virtues and awakens all his potentials and powers, attaining a very high scientific, cultural, spiritual and Cosmic Consciousness symbolized by the fully bloomed and unfolded ruby red rose.

He goes back to the world as a true Rosicrucian Knight, a humanitarian, a mystic philosopher who can command all nature, the highest intelligences are willing to obey his desires, God alone is his inspiration, the flower, servant, a being of compassion and wisdom, the true friend of humanity.

*the use of he here is for all genders, a term used to denote a human being. 

Membership in the Order is a rare and wonderful opportunity that empowers a person and enables him to enjoy life’s abundant blessings. Anyone can be a member, provided that he meets the following requirements:

  • at least 15 years old
  • has an open mind
  • seeks self-improvement and a better life


You may apply for membership in seminars and convocations of the Order, or through mail, our facebook page or email. Membership is FREE for all new members.

History and Tradition

The Rosicrucians, Knights of the Mystic Rose is a perpetuation of the revelations of Christian Rosenkreutz in the 14th Century, the teachings of the Great Masters of the East, and the tradition of the and the tradition of the MCE (Militia Crucifera Evangelica) which was reorganized at the Cruce Signatorum Conventus held on July 27, 1586 in Luneberg, Germany.

That Convention was chronicled by Simon Studion in his work “Naometria”. The purpose of the MCE at that time was to activate the surviving remnants of the Order of the Temple in Jerusalem (the Knights Templar) and that of the Ancient Rosae Crucis, and to actualize the mystical and spiritual doctrinal teachings and practices of both.

The RKMR is directed to peacefully promote religious freedom, freedom of thought, and freedom of inquiry. The purpose of the RKMR is to establish an exoteric body of Light to direct and guide humanity towards evolution and personal development.4

The RKMR is an international, non-profit, fraternal organization, open to all men and women at least fifteen years of age who share its philosophy and who wish to improve themselves and serve the evolution of humanity. While the Order has a spiritual base, the members are free to follow their conscience in all matters, including that of their preferred faith.

Outline of the Teachings of the
Rosicrucians, Knights of the Mystic Rose

            Initiation Ritual, constituting the prominent “Crossing of the Threshold” ceremony, which is ever the goal of all seekers for Rosicrucian Illumination. The initiation is followed by a series of Temple monographs and lessons covering the following subjects (Addition to and discontinuance of the subjects listed in any of the Degrees is made when it is sought to improve the entire system of instruction):


            The Ethics of Rosicrucian Doctrine, The Meaning of Initiation, The Search of Ancient Mystics for the Portals, The Secrecy of its Higher Teachings, The Mystery  of Mysticism, The Law of Symbolism, Ancient Secret Alphabets, Numerals and Symbols, The Meaning of Numbers, Matter and its Existence, The Law of the Triangle, Crystallography, The Laws of the Universe, The Material World and its Composition, The Physical Composition of Man and All Animal Life, First Laws of the Rosicrucian Ontology, The Difference between Living and Non-Living Matter, What Makes Man a Living Being, The Elements of Physiology, The Place of Spirit in Man, Distinction between Spirit and Soul, The Manifestation of Spirit Energy, Spirit Vibrations, Electrons and Atoms, The Natural Law of the Composition of Matter, The Law of Motion and Rhythm, Polarity and Magnetism, Demonstrations of the Action of Electrons in in Forming Matter, The Hidden Principles concerning the Nature of Matter and its Manifestation, The Law of Vibrations and the Cosmic Keyboard, A Summary of the Principal Laws of the Universe regarding Matter, and Man’s Material Body and All Forms of Existing Things.

            Initiation Ritual illustrating the Member’s progress in the work and in mental development. Series of monographs covering the following subjects in detail:


            The Rosicrucian Alphabet of Mystical Subjects, The Mind of Man and its Faculties and Functioning, Its Objective and Subconscious Divisions, The Scale of Operation, The Mind’s Relation to Cosmic and Mundane Consciousness, The Voluntary and Involuntary Functions in Man, An Analysis of the Mind and Brain in Action, The Dual Consciousness in Man, Various Forms of Reasoning, The Improvement of Reasoning, Will Power, Its Development, Its Relation to Health and Disease, The Memory, Its Origin, Location, and Development, Using the Memory, The Purpose of the Memory with the Soul and Cosmic, The Secret Inner Chief Engineer of Each Being, Subjective Conditions of the Body, Objective Functionings of the Body, The Nature of Habits, How They are Formed and Suspended, The Power of the Subconscious Mind over the Human Body, Mental Suggestion, The Art and Science of Suggestion, The Living Soul within the Body and its Reason for Being Incarnated in the Human Body, Whence IT Came and Whither IT Goeth, and a Review of the Mental and Psychic Parts of Man.

            Initiation Ritual, including demonstration of Alchemical principles and mental phenomena, followed by a series of monographs covering the subjects below in general:


            The Laws of Motion and Change throughout the Universe, The Laws of Devolution, Evolution, and Involution, The Evolution of Consciousness in Life, The Nature of Consciousness and its Attributes, The Reason for Life, The Purpose of Living Organisms, Sensations of Consciousness, The Coming and Going of Consciousness, Individual and Group Consciousness, Intelligence, Intellect, Imagination, Imaging and Mental Creating, The Perfection of Mental Action, Ideality, Mystical Alchemy, Objective Sensing, Psychic Sensing, The Actuality of Things and our Realization of Them, Realities Created, Actualities made to Disappear, Actualities may not Exist, Demonstrations of Actuality and Reality, Psychic Products, Mental Products, Illusions, The Effect of Environment, The Effect of Thoughts, Soul Memories, Exercises for Awakening the Memory and Developing Psychic Consciousness, Man’s Association with the Cosmic, The God  and Master within, Contacting the Psychic Minds of Others, The Psychic Man Separate from the Physical Man, How They can be made Visible at the Same Time, and General Review of the Mental and Psychic Duality of Man’s Consciousness.

            Very Elaborate Initiation Ceremony introducing the Member into the next stage of the Higher Teachings and demonstrating to him the mysteries of Life; followed by a series of monographs covering, except when changed by additions or elimination, the following important subjects:

            The Origin and Nature of the Life Force in Man, Its Source, Its Form of Manifestation, The Secret Knowledge of the Rosicrucians regarding the Life Force, How the Life Force enters the Human Body, How to Control It in the Human Body, How to Direct It to All Living Matter, The Rosicrucian Method for Increasing the Life Force, The Prevention of the Breaking Down Process in the Body, The Complete Presentation of the Ancient Secret Manuscript Written by Nodin, explaining the Nature of the Life Force in All Living Cells and How It may be Directed and Controlled, Methods of Directing this Life Force from the Human Body for Treating Others, The Development of a Strong Aura and the Secrets of Long Life and Perfect Health, and General Review of the Most important knowledge regarding Life Force ever given to Man.

Interesting Initiation Ritual followed by a series of lessons introduced at this stage of the Student’s progress so that he may have time for Psychic development through the many experiments he is conducting night and morning, and at other spare times, without taking up any new metaphysical or psychic subjects. Therefore, the monographs of this Degree include a complete review of all the Ancient Philosophies showing the development of mystical and philosophic thought and leading up to the modern philosophies and religious doctrines so that the Student will be well versed in Philosophy, Religion, and Ethics.

A very impressive Ritualistic Ceremony conferring honors upon those who have progressed properly to this Degree, followed by a long series of monographs and lessons with charts, diagrams, illustrations, and exercises explaining, in the most simple and fascinating manner, the secret methods of the human body in the digestion of food, the principles of dietetics, the making of blood, the entering of the Vital Life Force into the blood, the real purpose of Rosicrucian breathing exercises, the true cause of all disease and suffering, the diagnosis of disease, and the secret Rosicrucian methods of directing the healing Forces of the Universe to the different parts of the Body or to those who may be suffering; including quick methods of bringing about rapid changes in serious conditions and explaining all of the functions of the organs, nerves, and plexuses of the Human Body in their relation to the Psychic and Cosmic Forces of the Universe. This is the most complete and comprehensive course of study in metaphysical healing ever given to students of mysticism and is exclusively Rosicrucian.

            Very impressive Psychic Initiation illustrating some of the highest mystical teachings of the Order, followed by a series of monographs and lessons dealing with the metaphysical and psychic existence of Man, and leaving aside the material and earthly matters covered in the first six Degrees. This Degree fully explains the real purpose and nature of the psychic body of Man within the physical body and contains exercises for strengthening the vitality and power of the psychic body with its Psychic Consciousness; and then proceeds to explain how the psychic body may be temporarily separated from the physical body and both be made visible at the same time. After these experiments are completed, the Student is instructed in the Rosicrucian methods of projecting the psychic body out into space to any point or place there to be made visible to others without affecting the continuous functioning of the physical body. Other exercises assist in the development of the Aura, so that it may be made very visible in a darkened room and sufficiently strong to cause illumination and to make the hands magnetic. Also, other exercises are given in connection with the highest mystical vowel sounds with methods for pronouncing them so as to produce psychic manifestations at will. Moreover, the Lost Word, sought for by the ancients, is further explained in this Degree and the Student begins to realize that he has been gradually acquiring the Lost Word and gaining very unusual occult powers. This is the most mystical Degree of study in the principles of Rosicrucian Teachings ever given in the Occidental World and the Orient.

            Another impressive Ritualistic Ceremony or Initiation for those who have succeeded in the work of the previous Degree, followed by twenty-nine monographs in the higher metaphysical principles whereby the Student is gradually revealed in his proper relationship to God and the Cosmic, and is instructed with definite lessons and exercises in the possibility of projecting his psychic body through all matter and space to any person or place and there making himself visible as he is in this incarnation, or as he was in a previous incarnation, with the further ability to cause certain material things to move or respond as he directs, including the production of sounds from musical instrument, from his own voice, or from things he may psychically touch. He is also instructed in the principles taught by the old Rosicrucians whereby he can give treatments to others during such projections or carry on humanitarian activities without revealing himself, and attend sessions or convocations in Temples of the Order in faraway places by projection and attunement, and in other ways carry on the experiments described by the Masters of the Far East and heretofore taught by Rosicrucians only in the Temples of Tibet, where the Masters held their Sacred Convocations. This Degree also reveals the Laws regarding the real personalities in each of us and many facts about our past incarnations. True facts regarding so-called spiritualistic principles and phenomena are revealed, and many other important Rosicrucian Teachings, including the Keys to the Ninth Degree.

            Another highly impressive Temple Ritual whereby the Members who have properly reached this Degree and duly qualified and eligible for it are given titles and honors of the highest standing in the Order, as far as Temple Ceremonies are concerned. Serious obligations of Secrecy and devotion to Rosicrucian Doctrine are required of those who take this Initiation in the Temple and receive the highest Passwords and methods of recognition in the Temple Degrees.


            This is followed by a series of forty very complete monographs and lessons dealing with subjects, many of which cannot be described in this outline, that include revelations regarding Man’s relation to God and the higher Forces of the Cosmic and the development of the highest metaphysical powers within his own body. He is enabled to use some of these forces of Nature to blot out and make hidden materials things as well as eliminate mental and psychic things which may be obstacles in his life, and direct or change the course of natural events in their relation to him so as to bring about certain results in his own affairs or in the affairs of others. This is the last Degree in which the Student receives Initiation on the Material Plane in Material Temples, and from this point he receives further instruction and Psychic Initiation as he is ready for them. In this Degree, also, the Student receives the last vowel sound of the Lost Word and learns how to use this word for instantly affecting Laws, Principles, and Manifestations throughout Nature.

              The initiations into these Degrees and Threshold are given Psychically to the Worthy Members who have advanced to the preceding Degrees and very often, these Initiations occur Psychically in the Temples of the Order in the Orient. Many of the monographs and lectures of these Degrees will be received by the Members and Students in a mystical manner which cannot be explained here, and they will, from time to time, assemble with others in the same Degree for the exchange of knowledge and experiences while carrying on their mystical activities in all parts of the world without interfering with their regular business and social routine.

  Members who attain and complete the psychic instruction of the Magus Degree or those above it may enter THE NOBLE ILLUMINED ROSICRUCIANS, which is a higher organization of the Order wherein the worthy Members continue to carry on specialized work and studies under the direction of the Imperator and the personal Cosmic Master. Members cannot ask for admission to THE NOBLE ILLUMINED ROSICRUCIANS but must wait until they have been found ready and are invited to share in this additional work.

Teachings and Principles

The RKMR follows the compatible traditions of the
Knights Templar, espoused by the concept of Chivalry. It is important to note that the RKMR
is not a military order at all in the physical sense. Its members are militant only in their personal
attitudes about maintaining and fostering the principles of the RKMR in their lives.

Alchemy is one of the two oldest sciences known to man (the other is astrology). It is the forerunner of chemistry. Superficially, it is concerned with the transmutation of base metals into the highest and purest metal of all—gold. Our chief concern, however, is with an art called Transcendental Alchemy, which is the ultimate key to power, prosperity, success; and aims to transform man into the best, highest and most sublime that he can be.

The RKMR follows the compatible traditions of the Knights Templar, espoused by the concept of Chivalry. It is important to note that the RKMR is not a military order at all in the physical sense. Its members are militant only in their personal attitudes about maintaining and fostering the principles of the RKMR in their lives.

Mysticism deals with the study of man, psychic and spiritual faculties, and his relationship with the universe. It is the science of being or ontology and it encompasses the process of attaining health, wealth, and peace of mind.

Knights of the Mystic Rose

The list below enumerates a few of the world’s famous men and women who are Rosicrucians or practiced similar techniques to achieve success in Science, Philosophy, Culture and Spiritual Life.

  • Walt Whitman
  • Michaelangelo
  • Charlemagne
  • Al-Farabi
  • Teresa of Avila 
  • Francis of Assisi
  • Meister Eckhart
  • John of the Cross
  • Raymond VI, Count of Toulouse
  • Albertus Magnus
  • Thomas Aquinas
  • Dante Alighieri
  • Giordano Bruno
  • Heinrich Khunrath
  • Sir Francis Bacon
  • Michael Maier
  • Robert Fludd
  • Jacob Boehme
  • Jan Amos Komensky (Comenius)
  • Rene Descartes
  • Elias Ashmole
  • Baruch Spinoza
  • Sir Christopher Wren
  • Sir Isaac Newton
  • Gottfried Wilhelm von Liebnitz
  • Johannes Kelpius
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Martinez de Pasquales
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Louis Claude de Saint-Martin
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Karl von Eckartshausen
  • William Blake
  • Dr. John Dalton
  • Michael Faraday
  • Honoré de Balzac
  • Anton Rubinstein
  • Julius Friedrich Sachse
  • Ella Wheeler Wilcox
  • Claude Debussy
  • Nicholas Roerich
  • Walt Whitman
  • Michaelangelo
  • Charlemagne
  • Al-Farabi
  • Teresa of Avila 
  • Francis of Assisi
  • Meister Eckhart
  • John of the Cross
  • Raymond VI, Count of Toulouse
  • Albertus Magnus
  • Thomas Aquinas
  • Dante Alighieri
  • Giordano Bruno
  • Heinrich Khunrath
  • Sir Francis Bacon
  • Michael Maier
  • Robert Fludd
  • Jacob Boehme
  • Jan Amos Komensky (Comenius)
  • Rene Descartes
  • Elias Ashmole
  • Baruch Spinoza
  • Sir Christopher Wren
  • Sir Isaac Newton
  • Gottfried Wilhelm von Liebnitz
  • Johannes Kelpius
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Martinez de Pasquales
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Louis Claude de Saint-Martin
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Karl von Eckartshausen
  • William Blake
  • Dr. John Dalton
  • Michael Faraday
  • Honoré de Balzac
  • Anton Rubinstein
  • Julius Friedrich Sachse
  • Ella Wheeler Wilcox
  • Claude Debussy
  • Nicholas Roerich

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