Membership Signup
*Important Guidelines:
Please double-check and recheck again if you have uploaded the correct accomplished documents that the “upload file” is asking for.
Also kindly be sure to answer all questions on the membership form. Your acceptance into the Order depends on important questions on the Membership Form and the Bio Data to back it up.
For new applicants, you can leave the ‘Members who vouch for you’ section; on the ‘Place of Membership’, just write Online and on the ‘Lodge to be attended’ section, you may refer at the bottom page of the homepage of this website and click “Contact our Lodges.”
You will be taken to a list of our current Lodges in the Philippines. Just choose the Lodge that is closest to your residence and write that on the Membership Form.
Again, kindly be sure to upload the correct fully accomplished documents for your acceptance into the Order depends on it.
Thank you again for your interest in our Order.